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What is CBD oil? Leave a comment

What is CBD oil? CBD oil, not to be confused with hemp seed oil, has been traditionally used as an oral tincture. It usually contains MCT oil (derived from coconuts) and is not suitable for inhalation! Studies have shown that inhaling oil like that can pose serious health risks like lipoid pneumonia.

Unlike CBD vape juice, CBD tinctures are strictly for ingestion. Unfortunately many of them do not have proper warning labels and are sold in e-juice style dropper bottles.

There’s an important distinction to make between CBD oil tinctures and CBD oil made for inhalation. CBD oral tinctures are oil-based whereas CBD vape oil is not. Now let’s take a look at the types of CBD oil that are suitable for vaping.

  1. CBD vape juice – CBD made for vaping is sometimes referred to as “CBD vape oil”, but it doesn’t contain any actual oil. A more appropriate name for it is CBD vape juice or CBD distillate. They’re generally made with food grade ingredients, so they can also be taken orally, but are very different from oil-based tinctures. Look carefully at the ingredients. If it contains anything other than PG, VG, CBD extract, terpenes and cannabinoids, then it’s most likely unsuitable for inhalation. Don’t take the risk. It should say something about vaping, vape juice, e-liquid or e-juice on the label and should not contain any actual oil.
  2. CBD cartridges – Similar to THC oil cartridges, these are slim disposable e-cig tanks filled with CBD e-juice. (Some contain pure CBD distillate, made using a CO2 or a solvent-based CBD extraction method.) They connect to a standard 510 battery and provide an easy entry into vaping CBD. There are also cartridges, known as pods, that are compatible with popular devices like the JUUL.
READ :  CBD Oil & CBD Consumer Health Market Analysis 2025-2030

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