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CBD Oil, Here Are 7 Benefits And Safety For Health

CBD Oil, Here Are 7 Benefits And Safety For Health Leave a comment

CBD Oil, Here Are 7 Benefits And Safety For Health. CBD oil has long been used to treat various diseases, especially epilepsy. In addition, this oil can also be used by applying it to the skin or inhaled as aromatherapy which can provide many benefits for the health of the body.

Cannabidiol or CBD oil is an oil made from the extract of the cannabis plant or marijuana. However, because it contains marijuana which is classified as a Class 1 narcotic, the use of CBD oil as a drug has not been legally authorized by the Indonesian government, except for research purposes.

CBD oil contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), a compound that can cause euphoric effects in users. The lack of THC content in CBD oil does not tend to cause euphoria and seems to have a good effect on the body, so it has the potential to be used as a supplement to support health and is currently in the research phase.

CBD Oil, Here Are 7 Benefits And Safety For Health

Various benefits of CBD Oil for Health

There are several benefits of CBD Oil that you can get, including:

1. Relieve symptoms of epilepsy
Numerous studies have shown that the frequency of seizures in epileptics treated with CBD oil can be reduced by as much as 44%. In addition, this oil is also very effective for patients with epilepsy symptoms that are difficult to deal with with regular medication.

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2. Relieves pain
CBD oil can provide good results in reducing pain, such as pain from multiple sclerosis and pain from cancer. A study also states that CBD oil can help reduce joint pain due to arthritis (osteoarthritis).

The benefits of CBD oil are obtained from the content of compounds, such as tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), in which it has anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Reduces anxiety and depression
CBD oil can be used by inhalation as aromatherapy to relieve anxiety and depression. This is because CBD oil has an antistress effect that can help the brain increase serotonin hormone levels and reduce stress hormone levels. That way, you will be more relaxed and avoid anxiety that interferes with thoughts and feelings.

However, more research is still needed to ensure appropriate, safe, and effective doses for anxiety and depression.

4. Improve sleep quality
One of the other benefits of CBD oil is to improve sleep quality, especially for people with insomnia and various other sleep problems related to anxiety and depression.

This is because CBD oil can stimulate the production of serotonin in the body which plays an important role in improving sleep quality and making you feel calmer.

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5. Overcoming acne
Some studies show that CBD oil is able to relieve inflammation in acne, reduce excess oil in the skin, and remove dead skin cells. That way, the pimple will deflate faster.

6. Maintain brain health and function
Inhalation of CBD oil is considered to improve brain function, prevent senile dementia, and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases of the brain, such as dementia, alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.

This is because the compounds in CBD oil, including tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), are able to stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin which can increase the memory capacity of the brain and provide a calming effect on the nerves in the brain.

7. Reduces high blood pressure
High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. CBD oil can reduce high blood pressure.

Some studies say that CBD oil can dilate and relax blood vessels, so that blood flow becomes smoother and the pressure in the blood vessels drops. That way, the risk of developing heart disease is reduced.

CBD oil is sold in the form of capsule supplements, creams, candies, or liquids. This supplement can generally be used during the day or night. Use in excess of the recommended dose is known to cause side effects such as easy fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and nausea.

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The use of CBD oil supplements is also at risk of interacting with the use of anticonvulsant drugs, antidepressant drugs, antifungal drugs, and sedatives and cause harmful side effects to the body. Therefore, although CBD oil has many benefits for the health of the body, research around this oil is still limited and needs to be researched further.

If you want CBD oil to improve the health of the body, it is important to know that the official availability of this drug in Indonesia still does not exist and is still not legally allowed.

Therefore, you can consult about health complaints experienced with a doctor through a Chat with a doctor. The doctor will provide appropriate treatment using therapy and drugs that are effective and safe to overcome your condition.

CBD Oil, Here Are 7 Benefits And Safety For Health

Source : cbd oil

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