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CBD and Vaping

CBD and Vaping Leave a comment

CBD and Vaping. CBD can be consumed in a number of ways, and vaping is one of the most popular methods. However, both the risks and benefits of CBD vaping should be considered. To inhale the product smokers use CBD cartridges which are slim disposable e-cig tanks filled with ‘e-juice’.

CBD and Vaping

Some might be surprised here to learn that CBD made directly for consuming via a vaporiser doesn’t actually contain oil. CBD vape products are made using food ingredients and are completely different from CBD oils. If you are thinking about vaping CBD, you should always make sure that the product was designed for this purpose. Vaping CBD oils, as opposed to e-liquids, can cause health complications associated with the lungs.

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So, what is Vaping?
E-cigarettes are free from tobacco, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t contain a lot of harmful chemicals. While traditional cigarettes can harm the smoker in the long run and could lead to severe, painful health issues, such as lung cancer, emphysema, and heart attacks, research has found that vaping may also lead to serious health problems.

Usually, these issues are the results of consuming, cheaply-made e-liquids that contain more toxic chemicals. In addition, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), vaping has been found to potentially cause cell mutation, leading to an increased risk of lung cancer in mice.

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But is it for me?
Despite the aforementioned horror stories, we do know that there are a number of potential benefits of vaping CBD.

First and foremost, it is absorbed rather quickly, thanks to the high absorption rate in the lungs. Vaping is the most efficient way to take CBD and effects last around 1 to 3 hours. Many users report that it eases anxiety and stress as well as offering pain relief.

You must be careful, though, as if the juice contains anything other than “Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), CBD extract, terpenes, and cannabinoids, then it’s most likely unsuitable for inhalation.”

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CBD and Vaping

The label must be clear, and it must contain words like “vaping”, “vape juice”, “e-liquid” or “e-juice”. In a highly unregulated market, it is crucial that CBD vape products are always thoroughly inspected and consumed with caution.

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